Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Princess Bride

Watch the Princess Bride Online!
OMG i loved this movie so very much! i didn't even realise how much i was missing out. And i know what you are thinking...eww a movie from the 80's how good can that really be. Well let me tell you. There were all these great quotes like:
Life is pain. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something.

After he said that i was all:
And the ending...
Okay now that i am done fan girling out of my mind here is the summary~
A kindly grandfather sits down with his ill grandson and reads him a story. The story is one that has been passed down from father to son for generations. As the grandfather reads the story, the action comes alive. The story is a classic tale of love and adventure as the beautiful Buttercup, engaged to the odious Prince Humperdinck, is kidnapped and held against her will in order to start a war, It is up to Westley (her childhood beau, now returned as the Dread Pirate Roberts) to save her. On the way he meets a thief and his hired helpers, an accomplished swordsman and a huge, super strong giant, both of whom become Westley's companions in his quest.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The bachelorette

All i have to say is that you sent juan pablo home so i officially hate you Des. I mean i also like brooks and drew and zak but michael...kill me now me he  is a royal douche monkey.i am so very depressed about him going home therefore i decided to provide some eye candy for all of you in pain after their stupid, stupid,stupid breakup. I mean i can't object to much because now he is single and ready to mingle with the general population aka all of us. As always Enjoy lovelies

i could go oon but i think you hearts are probably beyond repair anyway...until next time xoxo ELLE