Monday, December 24, 2012


Loved this book because It made me cry...and well the story was beautiful. Layken, the main character has just had to move from her home town and everything she knew to a tiny town where she knows no one. But, who is waiting literally on her door step? One the most THOUGHTFUL CARING SENSITIVE CREATIVE HUMBLE and BEAUTIFUL man she will ever lay her eyes on. Only problem he is her....  

Keep reading, You will fall in love with everyone in this book, and it is beautifully written causing many a tear. Bellow is one of my favorite quotes from the book, I didn't want to give to much away but there are many other beautiful quotes from this book

*NOTE- just click the read it browser button in yellow on the right of the page

This book is again wonderful because it tells the story of love lost, and the power that it still hold on us. The aspect of trust and friendship before love was also put it play which i liked. Also the life long question of what is love was also touched on. The idea of a healthy dating life was also showcased, along with sacrifice and doing things for your significant other because it is what is best for them.

HOPELESS by Colleen Hoover

Here is a link to an excerpt from holder's POV
* don't read this until you have finished the book, no spoilers wanted!


CRASH and CLASH by Nicole Williams

OBSIDIAN , ONYX and OPAL by Jennifer L. Armentrout
This is a trilogy so far and...OH.MY.GOD
I fell for the story so fast.
It was beautiful
It was passionate
It was realistic, okay maybe not
It was mine to read over and over....and over ;)
As you can see by the cover the male lead is B-E-Autiful. In addition to his person he has so much to offer. Daemon is sensitive, witty, smart, caring, and strong for her. Not to mention he has some other special skills ;)
Teaser for Origin

EASY by Tammara Webber
I was so sad when I discovered that this was a stand-alone novel! beware of that before you have a panic attack like me when you can't find the sequel

I can guarantee the first page will draw you in, the story starts off with a bang and just enough drama and love to make the world go round.
One of my favorite things about this book was the male lead! He is artistic and caring, he doesn't feel the need to assert any authority over her. His past haunts him but reminds of the power of love and how one moment can bring it to life.
Not to mention that an artistic guys get me, oh they get me good.


oh me oh my! couldn't have asked for a more delightful read. This book was hilariously funny! i died laughing so many times. not only did i fall for the guy but also circumstance. which doesn't happen nearly as often. the way that ever moment was treasured and lived to the fullest. I knew there was something different about Andrew. Not just how he didn't give a crap about anyone's opinion of him but also his choice in music i mean damn boy...
The Civil Wars - Barton Hollow (Official Music Video) - YouTubeLet's find some beautiful place to get lost by f letter


This was a wonderful book. Although the romantic element is always nice is wasn't at the forefront of the story witch was a refreshing change. The book is set in a rural  environment that shows the struggle of people who live in 3rd world countries and that happiness is a choice that we make daily.The main character goes through a dramatic transformation over the course of this book. I love that the guy in this book was so loving but not in the ways that you would expect  He went out of his way to make her life easier, with no benefits for himself. It showed the selfless nature that he had and was willing to share. As a reader i fall for the good guys who love with their whole heart and yet still have a little bit of bad boy in them and HE is the perfect example.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Life Lessons? and Lemonade


When Life Gives You Lemonade, Make Lemons. Life Will Be Like                      "WHAAAT?!"
I was hopping that it would snow today so that i wouldn't have to take my test, well no such luck. Mother Nature I hope you know I'm very disappointed in you!
 Well anyway i left school early and turns out that there was a lock-down  i missed all the craziness :( It was especially funny because the school went into lock-down right after final bell rang so some of the guys that were in the gym were forced to run into the girls locker room! And the had to stay there for like a half hour. Turns out the reason for the lock-down was that there was a burglary in process about a block down from the school.

On a side note one of my close friends just recently got a boyfriend. I think that he is super sweet! why do i thinks so? well thanks for asking!

  • First of all they met through a mutual friend who is very sweet
  • He began writing her extremely thoughtful letters telling her how much he appreciates her and her sparkling personality.
  • He gave her his sweatshirt to wear because she was cold (collective awww)
  • Also they have gone to see the Christmas lights and go caroling

I  am slightly worried that she is falling for this guy really fast! It has only been about a week and it seams that he has overtaken her thoughts. I know that this is normal or whatever but i am concerned that she will get very invested in a high school relationship! What should i do or say to let her slow things down on her own? I just don't want her to get hurt like she has before.

 One last thing before i leave you guys alone with you thoughts, What do YOU think is the significance of high school without grades?

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Beauty of Life

     This is my very first blog post so I clearly have no idea what this is going to turn into. As of now this will be for the purpose of chronicling my experiences and feelings about life and the choices that we make on a daily basis. For now I will leave you with one of my favorite quotes that relates to the The people and broken families who are suffering in Connecticut :

                      "Worry is an old man with bended head,
                    carrying a load of feathers he thinks is lead."
                         ~Corrie Ten Boom, a holocaust survivor

       In times likes these think of tenderness, compassion and open mindedness and never forget the beauty of life.

       That said we can't allow our fear to control us! The news in our country provokes the public when they are in times of crisis, By only reporting on the shootings and violence that is going on in our community forgetting to mention all of the positive things that people do! We need to work together and stand strong as a united front